
Keith Dobson
University of Calgary, Canada

Dr. Dobson is a Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Calgary in Canada.  His research has focused on both cognitive models and mechanisms in depression, and cognitive-behavioural therapy for depression.  Dr. Dobson's research has resulted in over 230 published articles and chapters, 14 books, and numerous conference and workshop presentations. Recent work includes two DVD series, Evidence-based practice of CBT (with D. Dobson, Guilford press, 2016) and The therapeutic relationship in cognitive behavior therapy: The Heart and Soul of Effective Practice (with Kazantzis & Dattilio, Guilford Press, 2016).Dr. Dobson has been actively involved in organized psychology in Canada, including a term as President of the Canadian Psychological Association. He is a Past-President of both the Academy of Cognitive Therapy, and the International Association for Cognitive Psychotherapy. Dr. Dobson is also a Principal Investigator for the Opening Minds program of the Mental Health Commission of Canada, with a focus on stigma reduction related to mental disorders in the workplace. Among other awards, he has been given both the Canadian Psychological Association's Award for Distinguished Contributions to the Profession of Psychology, and the Donald O. Hebb Award for Distinguished Contributions to the Science of Psychology.

PRE-CONGRESS WORKSHOP on 05.09.2018, 09:00-17:00:

CBT for Major Depression: Using Case Conceptualization to Direct Strategic Clinical Decisions

Major Depression is a complex and heterogeneous disorder that requires a formal case conceptualization model in each case. This conceptualization is needed to plan the overall clinical approach to each case, to measure treatment outcomes, and to optimize clinical strategies within each session.  This workshop will provide a cognitive-behavioral framework, which will allow attendees to undertake this process of conceptualization and treatment planning. The workshop will focus on practical clinical strategies, and will include discussion of how to engage patients in the difficult process of overcoming depression. Discussion of the clinical model will be supplemented with video presentations, and clinical vignettes.

KEYNOTE on 06.09.2018, 17:30-18:30:

CBT for Major Depression: Where have we gone Wrong?

Despite the overall success of CBT for Major Depression, it has become increasingly clear that the outcomes for CBT have hit a plateau, and that alternative models of care are beginning to approximate those of CBT.  While the dropout rates for CBT for depression are only about 10%, suggesting that the treatment is highly acceptable, the overall success rates of about 60 - 67% have not improved since the approach was first introduced.  This keynote address offers a framework to understand our failure to improve outcomes.  In particular, it will be noted that Major Depression is a heterogeneous disorder, which likely has several types of genesis, and complex risk and resiliency profiles.  It will be argued that our CBT models need to formally reflect the diverse forms of depression, and that the field needs to adapt our models to recognize these variations in risk and resilience.  A novel model, that incorporates different etiological considerations for depression will be presented, as will a concomitant research program to evaluate this model.